One Lovely Blog Award


Confessions of a Reformed Cad, thank you for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award. If I could nominate you again (and also nominate some of the ones you nominated!), I would ❤


  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Share seven things about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers and inform them

I am so much more than a Spouse of a Sex Addict, here are 7 things about myself:

  1. I am a very proud Canadian!
  2. I LOVE baseball and never miss watching/recording a Toronto Blue Jays game
  3. I have never missed a day of work (except for vacation and when Mr. Perfect was in the hospital due to The Suicide Attempt) and have received many attendance awards throughout my working history (which started at age 11)
  4. I’ve started painting pictures using acrylics and am getting requests from family and friends.
  5. I am a very good cook
  6. I love all kinds of music from Drake, The Weeknd, and Justin Bieber, the 70’s and today’s Country. I love pumping up the tunes and grooving with the top down in my convertible!
  7. I’m very funny and quick witted, and can turn almost anything into something inappropriate!

I’m nominating seven bloggers for the One Lovely Blog Award.

  1. Betrayed Wives’ Club
  2. Try not to cry on my Rainbow
  3. blackacre02631
  4. Tears in a Bottle
  5. Falling Ash
  6. Betrayed Bitch
  7. wonderme12

This was fun, thank you!

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